Page 38 - Home Health Marketing
P. 38
SECTION 9. Emergency Care Plan
Please call the nurse at ____________________ if you experience any of the
following symptoms/problems:
Heart/Lung Problems: Too Much Blood Thinner:
New onset of a productive/frothy Bleeding from the nose, mouth,
cough or new congestion gums, rectum or surgical site
Change in color, thickness or odor Bruising
of sputum Leg pain
Increased shortness of breath Black tarry stools
New onset of irregular or rapid Blood in urine
Chest pain relieved by rest or
More swelling in your legs or feet
Weight gain of _______ pounds in
24 hours
Signs of Infection: Urinary Problems:
Increased redness Foul odor to urine
Wound gets bigger or more Catheter not draining
painful Low back or flank pain; body aches
Temperature of 100°F or more Unable to urinate
Change in amount, color or odor Change in frequency of urination
of wound drainage Increased weakness
_________________________________ Bloody, cloudy or change in urine
Diabetic Problems: Other Problems:
Sudden weakness No bowel movement in three days
Uncontrollable thirst or hunger New skin problems
Increased urination Change in balance, coordination
Sweating spells or strength
Sudden dizziness Fall with small or no injury
Frequent headaches Change in mental status
Itching Signs of high blood pressure or
Drowsiness stroke: new onset of headache,
Blood sugar level greater than dizziness, nosebleeds, blurred
_____ or less than _____ vision, ringing in ears, heart
palpitations (fluttering)
Call 911 if you experience any of the following:
A fall with a broken bone or bleeding • Unable to wake patient
Chest pain that medicine doesn’t help • Severe or prolonged bleeding
Difficulty in breathing • Severe or prolonged pain
This information was developed in part by The Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence under a contract with the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The contents do not necessarily represent CMS policy.