Page 38 - Home Health Marketing
P. 38

SECTION 9. Emergency Care Plan

               Please call the nurse at ____________________ if you experience any of the
               following symptoms/problems:

                 Heart/Lung Problems:                           Too Much Blood Thinner:
                   New onset of a productive/frothy              Bleeding from the nose, mouth,
                    cough or new congestion                         gums, rectum or surgical site
                   Change in color, thickness or odor    Bruising
                    of sputum                                     Leg pain
                   Increased shortness of breath                 Black tarry stools
                   New onset of irregular or rapid               Blood in urine
                   Chest pain relieved by rest or
                   More swelling in your legs or feet
                   Weight gain  of _______ pounds in
                    24 hours
                 Signs of Infection:                            Urinary Problems:
                   Increased redness                             Foul odor to urine
                   Wound gets bigger or more                     Catheter not draining
                    painful                                       Low back or flank pain; body aches
                   Temperature of 100°F or more                  Unable to urinate
                   Change in amount, color or odor               Change in frequency of urination
                    of wound drainage                             Increased weakness
                   _________________________________             Bloody, cloudy or change in urine
                                                                  _________________________________
                 Diabetic Problems:                             Other Problems:
                   Sudden weakness                               No bowel movement in three days
                   Uncontrollable thirst or hunger               New skin problems
                   Increased urination                           Change in balance, coordination
                   Sweating spells                                 or strength
                   Sudden dizziness                              Fall with small or no injury
                   Frequent headaches                            Change in mental status
                   Itching                                       Signs of high blood pressure or
                   Drowsiness                                      stroke: new onset of headache,
                   Blood sugar level greater than                  dizziness, nosebleeds, blurred
                    _____ or less than _____                        vision, ringing in ears, heart
                                                                    palpitations (fluttering)
                                Call 911 if you experience any of the following:
                   A fall with a broken bone or bleeding  •  Unable to wake patient
                   Chest pain that medicine doesn’t help  •  Severe or prolonged bleeding
                   Difficulty in breathing                          •  Severe or prolonged pain
                        This information was developed in part by The Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence under a contract with the
                           Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The contents do not necessarily represent CMS policy.

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