Page 40 - Home Health Marketing
P. 40

If “No” to all questions, go to Part 2.
        Is the patient receiving benefits under the Black Lung Benefits Act (BL)?   o No o Yes   Date BL benefits began: ____________________
        Note: Black Lung Benefits is the primary payer.
        Was the illness or injury due to a work-related accident/illness?   o No o Yes  If yes, the following information is required:
        Name and address of employer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
        Name and address of insurance carrier: _______________________________________________________________________________________
        Policy or Claim Number: __________________________________  Date of workplace illness or injury: ___________________________________
        Note: Workers’ Compensation is the primary payer only for services related to work-related injuries or illnesses.
        Is the patient receiving treatment for an injury or illness covered under a no-fault and/or medical-payment coverage, including premises
        or automobile?  o No o Yes  If yes, the following information is required:
        Name and address of insurance carrier: _______________________________________________________________________________________
        Policy or Claim Number: __________________________________  Date of illness or injury: ____________________________________________
        Note: No-fault insurance is the primary payer only for services related to the accident.
        Is the patient receiving treatment for an injury or illness which another party may be liable?  o No o Yes
        If yes, the following information is required:
        Name and address of insurance carrier: _______________________________________________________________________________________
        Policy or Claim Number: __________________________________  Date of illness or injury: ____________________________________________
        Note: Liability insurance is the primary payer only for services related to the liability settlement, judgment or award.

        Is the patient entitled to Medicare based on age, disability or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)?
        Age: o Yes o No    Disability:  o Yes o No   ESRD:  o Yes o No
        Note: If entitlement to Medicare is based solely on ESRD, skip Part 2 and complete Part 3.
        Does the patient have group health plan (GHP) coverage based on his/her own current employment or the current employment of either
        a spouse or other family member?  o Yes o No  If  no, stop here as Medicare is primary.
                                       Ó MedForms, Inc. 2024
        If yes, the GHP provided by the employer may be primary to Medicare. How many employees, including the patient, spouse or other family member
        work for the employer providing the GHP coverage?   o 1-19   o 20-99      o 100 or more
        Note: If the patient is aged and there are more than 20 employees, the patients GHP is primary.
        Note: If the patient is disabled and the patient’s spouse or other family member’s employer has 100 or more employees, the GHP is primary.
        If GHP may be the primary payer, the following information is required:
        Name and address of employer providing the patient’s GHP: ______________________________________________________________________
        Name and address of GHP: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
        Policy Number (sometimes referred to as the health insurance benefit package number): ________________________________________________
        Group Number: _________________________________  Date of illness or injury: GHP coverage began: __________________________________
        Name of policy holder (if GHP coverage is through the patient’s spouse or other family member): _________________________________________
        Relationship to patient (if other than self): _____________________________________________________________________________________

        Does the patient have employer group health plan (GHP) coverage through self, spouse or other family member if dually entitled based
        on Disability and ESRD? due to Medicare based on age, disability or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)?   o  No o  Yes    If  yes,  the
        employer GHP may be primary to Medicare. Continue below:
        Has the patient received a kidney transplant?      o No o Yes   If yes, date of transplant: ______________________________
        Has the patient received maintenance dialysis treatments?    o No o Yes   If yes, date of dialysis began: ___________________________
        Is the patient within the 30-month coordination period?    o No o Yes   Note: The 30-month coordination period starts the first day of
        the month an individual is eligible for Medicare (even if not yet enrolled in Medicare) because of kidney failure (usually the fourth month of dialysis)
        regardless of entitlement due to age or disability. If the individual is participating in a self-dialysis training program or has a kidney transplant during
        the 3-month waiting period, the 30-month coordination period starts with the first day of the month of dialysis or kidney transplant.
        Was the patient receiving GHP coverage prior to and on the date of Medicare entitlement due to ESRD (or simultaneous entitlement
        due to ESRD and Age or ESRD and Disability)?       o No o Yes   If yes, the GHP is primary during the 30-month coordination
        period. The following information is required:
        Name and address of employer providing the patient’s GHP: ______________________________________________________________________
        Name and address of GHP: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
        Policy Number (sometimes referred to as the health insurance benefit package number): ________________________________________________
        Group Number: _________________________________      GHP coverage began: _____________________________________________
        Name of policy holder (if GHP coverage is through the patient’s spouse or other family member): _________________________________________
        Relationship to patient (if other than self): _____________________________________________________________________________________

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