Page 43 - Home Health Marketing
P. 43

Circle areas that are potential interactions:   ¨ Food interactions assessed  ¨ Patient instruction provided

         Alendronate          (Fosamax )     Esomeprazole        (Nexium )
         Ampicillin           (various      brands)  Lansoprazole    (Prevacid )  Many  medications  interact  with
         Azithromycin         (Zithromax )   Metoclopramide      (Reglan )       grapefruit or grapefruit products that may
         Captopril            (Capoten )     Omeprazole          (Prilosec )     cause  medications  to  be  more  active  in
         Ciprofloxacin        (Cipro )       Sucralfate          (Carafate )     your  body  and  cause  more  side  effects.
         Didanosine (ddl)     (Videx )                                           Below  are  medications  that  can  have  a
         Cheese SAMPLE
         Felodipine           (Plendil )                                         serious  interaction  with  grapefruit  or
         Indinavir            (Crixivan )                                        grapefruit products:
         Isoniazid (INH)      (Laniazid )    Ciprofloxacin       (Cipro )        Buspirone           (Buspar )
         Levothyroxine        (Synthroid )   Doxycycline         (various brands)  Carbamazepine     (Tegretol )
         Loracarbef           (Lorabid )     Norfloxacin         (Noroxin )      Erythromycin        (various brands)
         Mercaptopurine (6MTP) (Purinethol )  Ofloxacin          (Floxin )       Felodipine          (Plendil )
         Methotrexate (MTX)   (Rheumatrex )  Tetracycline        (various brands)  Ixabepilone       (Ixempra )
         Norfloxacin          (Noroxin )                                         Lovastatin          (Mevacor ,
         Ofloxacin            (Floxin )      Amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin )                    Altoprev )
         Rifampin             (Rifadin ,     Baclofen            (Lioresal )     Midazolam           (Versed )  ®
                              Rimactane )    Carbamazepine       (Tegretol , Epitol )  Nicardipine   (Cardene )
         Risendronate         (Actonel )                               ®         Nilotinib           (Tasigna )
                                             Cefpodoxime         (Vantin )                                    ®
         Tetracycline         (various brands)  Cefuroxime       (Ceftin )       Nimodipine          (Nimotop )
         Zafirlukast          (Accolate )    Dexamethasone       (Decadron )     Nisoldipine         (Sular )
         Zidovudine (AZT)     (Retrovir )                                ®       Pimozide            (Orap )
                                             Diclofenac          (Voltaren )     Ranolazine          (Ranexa )
                                       Ó MedForms, Inc. 2024
                                             Erythromycin        (various brands)  Sirolimus         (Rapamune )
                                             Ganciclovir         (Cytovene )     Simvastatin         (Zocor )
                                             Hydroxychloroquine   (Plaquenil )                              ®
         The dosage of anticoagulant you need is   Ibuprofen     (Motrin , Advil )  Tacrolimus       (Prograf )
         based on your usual intake of vitamin K.   Iron preparations   (various brands)  Triazolam   (Halcion )
         Continue  to  eat  and  drink  your  usual   Itraconazole   (Sporanox )  Verapamil          (Calan )
         amounts  of  food/beverages  high  in   Lithium         (various brands)
         vitamin  K  and  do  not  make  sudden                           ®
         changes in your intake of these foods. If   Naproxen    (Naprosyn ,
         you have not been eating these foods high               Aleve )
         in vitamin K, do not add more than 2-3   Niacin         (various brands)  These  diuretics  increase  the  loss  of
         servings per week.                  Nitrofurantoin      (Furadantin , ®  potassium in the urine. If you have not
         Asparagus              Green peas                       Macrodantin )   been prescribed a potassium supplement,
         Beef liver           Green tea      Phenytoin           (Dilantin )     the foods high in potassium below should
         Broccoli             Kale           Potassium supplements (various brands)  be  included  frequently  in  your  diet.
         Brussels sprouts     Lettuce        Prednisone/         (Deltasone ,    Consult  your  physician  before  making
         Cabbage              Potatoes       Prednisolone        Prelone )       marked changes in the diet.
         Cauliflower          Spinach        Ritonavir           (Norvir )  ®    Apricots            Milk, buttermilk
                              Soybean oil    Salsalate           (Amigesic )     Artichokes          Molasses
         Collard greens       Turnip greens  Saquinavir          (Invirase )     Bananas             Oranges,
         Green beans                         Sevelamer           (Renagel )      Beans (white, red, lima) Orange juice
                                             Spironolactone      (Aldactone )    Beef                Peaches
         If you are taking Warfarin (Coumadin ),   Sulfasalazine   (Azulfidine )
         you should have your lab work (PT/INR’s)                       ®        Beet greens         Potatoes (white,
         checked on a regular basis.         Sulindac            (Clinoril )     Black-eyed peas     sweet)
                                             Theophylline        (Slo-Bid ,      Bran cereals        Prune juice
                                                                 Theo-Dur )      Clams               Spinach
                                             Trazodone           (Desyrel )      Corn                Squash (winter)
                                             Valproic Acid       (Depakene ,     Figs (dried)        Tomatoes,
                                                                 Depakote )      Fish                Tomato juice
                                                                                 Kiwi                Yogurt
          questions, you should consult your health care provider.
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