Page 5 - Home Health Marketing
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                                                  OWN WELCOME LETTER,

                                                      PLEASE ATTACH

                              SECTION 1. Welcome and Mission

               Your Agency Name extends a warm welcome to you, our patient, and to your
               family and friends. Your medical treatment, safety and happiness are most
               important to us. We will do our best to answer any questions you may have
               concerning your care and treatment.

               Our  mission  is  to promote  the physical and emotional well-being  of our
               patients and  all who come in contact with our agency. Because  of this
               commitment, we strive to demonstrate our belief in the dignity and worth of
                                                                  PLEASE SPECIFY
               each individual and respect your rights.
                                                              AGENCY OWNERSHIP

               This agency is  owned by  ___________________________________.  We are
               committed to ensuring your rights and privileges as a health care patient.

               Many aspects of our services and procedures may be new to you. We have
               prepared this booklet to assist you in becoming better acquainted with us, to
               help you understand the home health care process, and explain your rights
               and responsibilities as  a  patient. Keep this booklet where it can be easily
               found, and inform those close to you (relative, neighbor, etc.) of its location.
               As state and federal regulations change, there may be additions or changes
               to this booklet as necessary. Our policy and procedure manual regarding your
               care and treatment is available upon request for your viewing at the agency
               office at any time during normal office hours. If you have additional questions,
               please do not hesitate to ask us.

               Our entire health care team joins in wishing you a rapid recovery.


               The Management and Staff of Your Agency Name

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