Page 24 - Home Health Marketing
P. 24

If we deny access to protected health information, you will receive a timely, written denial in plain language
                   that explains the basis for the denial, your review rights and an explanation of how to exercise those rights. If
                   we do not maintain the medical record, we will tell you where to request the protected health information.
                 Request to amend protected health information for as long as the protected health information is maintained
                   in the designated record set. A request to amend your record must be in writing and must include a reason to
                   support the requested amendment. We will act on your request within sixty (60) days of receipt of the request.
                   We may extend the time for such action by up to 30 days, if we provide you with a written explanation of the
                   reasons for the delay and the date by which we will complete action on the request.
                   We may deny the request for amendment if the information contained in the record was not created by us, unless
                   you provide a reasonable basis for believing the originator of the information is no longer available to act on the
                   requested amendment; is not part of the designated medical record set; would not be available for inspection under
                   applicable laws and regulations; or the record is accurate and complete. If we deny your request for amendment,
                   you will receive a timely, written denial in plain language that explains the basis for the denial, your rights to submit
                   a statement disagreeing with the denial and an explanation of how to submit that statement.
                 Receive an accounting of disclosures of protected health information made by our Agency for up to six
                   (6) years prior to the date on which the accounting is requested for any reason other than for treatment,
                   payment or health operations and other applicable exceptions. The written accounting includes the date of
                   each disclosure, the name/address (if known) of the entity or person who received the protected health
                   information, a brief description of the information disclosed and a brief statement of the purpose of the
                   disclosure or a copy of the written request for disclosure. We will provide the accountings within 60 days of
                   receipt of a written request. However, we may extend the time period for providing the accounting by 30 days
                   if we provide you with a written statement of the reasons for the delay and the date by which you will receive
                   the information. We will provide the first accounting you request during any 12-month period without charge.
                   Subsequent accounting requests may be subject to a reasonable cost-based fee.
                 Receive notification of any breach in the acquisition, access, use or disclosure of unsecured protected
                   health information by the agency, its business associates and/or subcontractors.
                 Obtain a paper copy of this notice, even if you had agreed to receive this notice electronically, from us
                   upon request.
               COMPLAINTS – If you believe that your privacy rights have been violated, you may complain to the Agency or to
               the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. There will be no retaliation against you for
               filing a complaint. The complaint should be filed in writing, and should state the specific incident(s) in terms of
               subject, date and other relevant matters. A complaint to the Secretary must be filed in writing within 180 days of
               when the act or omission complained of occurred, and must describe the acts or omissions believed to be in
               violation of applicable requirements. For further information regarding filing a complaint or further information
               about matters covered by this notice, contact:                    PLEASE SPECIFY
                            Name or title of Contact Person or Office _________________________________
                                      Agency Name ______________________________________
                                        Address _______________________________________
                                                Phone ___________________________
               EFFECTIVE DATE – This notice is effective (date): ___________. We are required to abide by the terms of
               the notice currently in effect, but we reserve the right to change these terms as necessary for all protected health
               information that we maintain. If we change the terms of this notice (while you are receiving service), we will
               promptly revise and distribute a revised notice to you as soon as practicable by mail, email (if you have agreed to
                                                                     THE EFFECTIVE DATE WILL BE
               electronic notice), hand delivery or by posting on our website.   THE DATE YOUR BOOK IS
                                                                   FINALIZED AND GOES TO PRINT

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