Page 15 - Home Health Marketing
P. 15
Filing a Grievance — You have the right to:
Receive the name, business address and phone number for the agency
Administrator in order to lodge complaints.
Lodge complaints and have your complaints as well as your family’s or your
representative’s complaints heard, investigated and if possible resolved.
Complaints may include, but are not limited to:
o Service, treatment or care that is (or fails to be) provided;
o Service, treatment or care that is inconsistent or inappropriate;
o Lack of respect for your property and/or person by anyone who is
providing services on behalf of our agency; or
o Mistreatment, neglect or verbal, mental, sexual and physical abuse, including
injuries of unknown source and/or misappropriation of your property
(exploitation) by anyone providing services on behalf of the agency.
Receive information on our complaint resolution process, and know about
the results of complaint investigations. We must document both the
existence and the resolution of the complaint. We must also take action to
prevent further potential violations, including retaliation, while the
complaint is being investigated.
Voice grievances/complaints regarding treatment or care, or recommend
changes in policy, staff or care/service to us or an outside entity without
fear of coercion, discrimination, restraint, interference, reprisal or an
unreasonable interruption in care, treatment or services for doing so.
Be advised when you are accepted for treatment or care, of the availability
of the state’s toll-free home care hotline number, its purpose and hours of
operation. The hotline receives complaints or questions about local home
care agencies and is also used to lodge complaints concerning the
implementation of the advance directives requirements.
Our complaint resolution process and the state hotline number are provided
in our Problem Solving Procedure.
Decision Making — You have the right to:
Choose your health care providers, including your attending physician, or
allowed practitioner and communicate with those providers.
Participate in, consent to or refuse care in advance of and during treatment
and be fully informed in advance about your care/service, where
appropriate, including:
o The mode of care-delivery including the use of telecommunications
when applicable;
o The completion of all assessments;
o The care, treatments and services to be provided, based on the
comprehensive assessment;
o Establishing and revising your plan of care;
o The disciplines that will provide the care, including the name(s) and
responsibilities of staff members who are providing and responsible for
your care;