Page 17 - Home Health Marketing
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Refuse filming or recording or revoke consent for filming or recording of
care, treatment and services for purposes other than identification,
diagnosis or treatment.
Access, request changes to and receive an accounting of disclosures
regarding your own protected health information as permitted by law.
Request us to release information written about you only as required by
law or with your written authorization and to be advised of our policies
and procedures regarding accessing and/or disclosure of clinical records.
Our Notice of Privacy Practices describes your rights in detail.
Financial Information — You have the right to:
Be advised orally and in writing before care is initiated of:
o Our billing policies and payment procedures;
o The extent to which payment may be expected from Medicare, Medicaid,
any other federally funded or aided program or any other third-party
sources known to us;
o Charges for services that may not be covered by known payers; and
o Charges that you may have to pay.
Be advised orally and in writing of any changes in payment, charges and
your payment liability when they occur, and to be advised of these changes
as soon as possible, in advance of the next home health visit in accordance
with federal patient notice laws and regulations.
Have access to all bills, upon request, for the services you have received
regardless of whether the bills are paid by you or another party.
Quality of Care — You have the right to:
Receive information about organization ownership and control.
Receive high quality, appropriate care without discrimination, in
accordance with physician or allowed practitioner orders.
Pain assessment and to receive effective pain management and symptom
control. You also have the right to receive education about your role and
your family’s role in managing pain when appropriate, as well as potential
limitations and side effects of pain treatments.
Be admitted only if we can provide the care you need. A qualified staff
member will assess your needs. If you require care or services that we do not
have the resources to provide, we will inform you, and refer you to alternative
services, if available, or we will admit you, but only after explaining our
care/service limitations and the lack of a suitable alternative.
Receive emergency instructions and be told what to do in case of an emergency.
Be advised of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the following
federal- and state-funded entities that serve the area where you reside:
Agency on Aging, Center for Independent Living, Protection and Advocacy
Agency, Aging and Disability Resource Center and the Quality Improvement
Organization. See the back cover of this booklet for more information.